Yesterday, the 3rd, our class took a mini field trip to our schools arboretum. It was so cool! I never new the place was so big. Before actually going to the arboretum, we talked about what an ecosystem was. An ecosystem is a community of different species interacting with each other and with the chemical and physical factors making up nonliving environment. A relationship between organism and the physical environment. When we went to the arboretum we explored 3 different sites (woodlands, desert, and Mediterranean) and focused on sunlight, soil moisture, temperature, wind, water flow, plans and animals in each environment.
Woodlands: I enjoyed walking through this area. The shade given by the big trees would be great for a hot day. I really liked the rivers flowing; if you just listened quietly you heard the water flowing, birds and just nature.
Desert: It was so cool to see how just over a bridge and a few steps you were completely in a different setting.
Mediterranean: The terrain was sloped with rocks on the ground.
Overall, a fun lesson and time.
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